class: center, middle name: start # Writing a Wayland </br> wallpaper daemon </br> in Rust  .footer[29th April 2022</br>_Friday Talks_ @ ] --- class: left, middle # Danilo Spinella ### _Software Engineer in Packaging_ ### **SUSE**  --- class: middle, left ##  Contents Introduction to Wayland The Wayland protocol Implementation --- class: left, middle #  Introduction to Wayland --- class: left, middle ## What is Wayland  --- class: left, middle ## Wayland is... ...a communication protocol that specifies the communication between a display server and its clients --- class: left, middle ## Wayland Initial release in 2008 Aim to be X11 replacement Designed to be secure and efficient --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle  --- class: left, middle The Wayland architecture integrates the display server, window manager and compositor into one process --- class: left, middle ## What is wrong with X  <sup>[^1](</sup> When you're an X server there's a tremendous amount of functionality that you must support to claim to speak the X protocol, yet nobody will ever use this --- class: left, middle # The Wayland protocol --- class: left, middle The Wayland protocol works by issuing *requests* and *events* that act on *objects*. --- class: left, middle Each object has an *interface* which defines what requests and events are possible, and the *signature* of each. --- class: left, middle ## Event / Request Object ID Message length Request/event opcode Arguments --- class: left, middle ## Event example: wl_surface::event ``` 0000000A Object ID (10) 000C0000 Message length (12) and event opcode (0) 00000005 Output (object ID): 5 ``` --- class: left, middle ## Components wayland.xml wayland-scanner libwayland --- class: left, middle ## `wl_surface` ```xml <interface name="wl_surface" version="4"> <request name="damage"> <arg name="x" type="int" /> <arg name="y" type="int" /> <arg name="width" type="int" /> <arg name="height" type="int" /> </request> <event name="enter"> <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output" /> </event> </interface> ``` --- class: left, middle ## Protocol design patterns Atomicity Resource lifetimes Versioning --- class: left, middle The protocol works over *named unix socket*, because they allow passing file descriptor --- class: left, middle # Implementation --- class: left, middle ## Why Rust  *Insert generic Rust motives* It has its own libwayland implementation --- class: left, middle ## Crates wayland-client smithay-client-toolkit image --- class: left, middle ## Wayland display Created when the connection is established Object ID 1 --- class: left, middle ## Globals *Globals* objects provide information, functionality and work as broker for additional objects --- class: left, middle ## Registry Bind the *globals* to the client The server will emit the *global* event for each global available on the server --- class: left, middle ## `wl_compositor` Allow the creation of surfaces and regions --- class: left, middle ## Wayland surface Wayland *surface* has a rectangular area which may be displayed on zero or more outputs, present buffers, receive user input, and define a local coordinate system. --- class: left, middle ## Shared memory buffers Allows you to transfer a file descriptor for the compositor to mmap with MAP_SHARED, then share pixel buffers out of this pool --- class: left, middle ## `wlr-layer-shell` Assign a surface to a "layer" of the output and render it with a defined z-depth respective to each other --- class: left, middle ## XDG output Describe outputs and their information --- class: left, middle An **event loop** waits for events and dispatches requests --- class: left, middle # Disclaimer  This is not all code, but the most important part for showing as it works --- class: left, middle Holding the globals: ```rust struct Env { compositor: SimpleGlobal<WlCompositor>, outputs: OutputHandler, shm: ShmHandler, xdg_output: XdgOutputHandler, layer_shell: SimpleGlobal<zwlr_layer_shell_v1::ZwlrLayerShellV1>, } ``` --- class: left, middle Information about a surface: ```rust struct Surface { surface: wl_surface::WlSurface, layer_surface: Main<zwlr_layer_surface_v1::ZwlrLayerSurfaceV1>, pool: AutoMemPool, buffer: Option<wl_buffer::WlBuffer>, dimensions: (u32, u32), } ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust // Connect to the wayland server // Creates the wayland display with object ID 1 let display = Display::connect_to_env().unwrap(); let mut queue = display.create_event_queue(); ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust let (outputs, xdg_output) = smithay_client_toolkit::output::XdgOutputHandler::new_output_handlers(); let env = Environment::new( &display.attach(queue.token()), &mut queue, Env { compositor: SimpleGlobal::new(), outputs, shm: ShmHandler::new(), xdg_output, layer_shell: SimpleGlobal::new(), } ); ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust let layer_shell = env .require_global::<zwlr_layer_shell_v1::ZwlrLayerShellV1>(); let mut surfaces = Vec::new(); for output in env.get_all_outputs() { let surface = env.create_surface().detach(); let pool = env.create_auto_pool().unwrap(); surfaces.push(Surface::new(&output, surface, &layer_shell, pool)); } ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust impl Surface { pub fn new( wl_output: &wl_output::WlOutput, surface: wl_surface::WlSurface, layer_shell: &Attached<zwlr_layer_shell_v1::ZwlrLayerShellV1>, pool: AutoMemPool, ) -> Self { let layer_surface = layer_shell.get_layer_surface( &surface, Some(wl_output), zwlr_layer_shell_v1::Layer::Background, "wallpaper".to_owned(), ); ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust // Set proprieties of the layer_shell layer_surface.set_size(0, 0); layer_surface.set_anchor( zwlr_layer_surface_v1::Anchor::Top | zwlr_layer_surface_v1::Anchor::Left | zwlr_layer_surface_v1::Anchor::Right | zwlr_layer_surface_v1::Anchor::Bottom, ); // If set to -1, the surface indicates that it would not like to be // moved to accommodate for other surfaces, and the compositor // should extend it all the way to the edges it is anchored to. layer_surface.set_exclusive_zone(-1); // Handle layer_shell events // Removed for simplicity ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust // Commit so that the server adds our layer_shell to the surface surface.commit(); Self { surface, layer_surface, next_render_event, info, pool, buffer: None, } } } ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust // in the main loop { for surface in surfaces { surfaces.draw(); } queue.dispatch((), |_| {}); } ``` --- class: left, middle ```rust impl Surface { pub fn draw(&mut self) { let stride = 4 * self.dimensions.0; let width = self.dimensions.0; let height = self.dimensions.1; let image = image::open("/path/to/wallpaper").unwrap(); .resize_to_fill(width, height, FilterType::Lanczos3) .into_rgba8(); ``` --- class: left, middle `rgb(red, green, blue)` `rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)` `bgr(blue, green, red)` `bgra(blue, green, red, alpha)` --- class: left, middle ```rust self.buffer = Some(self.pool.try_draw::<_, _>( width, height, stride, wl_shm::Format::Abgr8888, |canvas: &mut [u8]| { let mut writer = BufWriter::new(canvas); writer .write_all(image.as_raw())? writer.flush()?; Ok(()) }, ).unwrap())); ``` --- class: left, middle Damaging a surface indicate to the compositor that it needs to be redrawn --- class: left, middle ```rust // Attach the buffer to the surface self.surface .attach(Some(self.buffer.as_ref().unwrap()), 0, 0); // Mark the entire surface as damaged self.surface .damage_buffer(0, 0, width as i32, height as i32); // Finally, commit the surface self.surface.commit(); } } ``` --- class: middle, left ## Useful resources [Wayland official page]( [Wayland book]( [Wayland protocols explorer]( [wlroots implementation]( --- class: center, middle # Questions  --- class: center, middle #   ## This work is licensed under ## _Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</br> (CC BY-SA 4.0)_ .footer[Icons from _www.onlinewebfonts.com_, which are licensed under CC BY 3.0] --- template: start