class: center, middle name: start # openSUSE Packaging </br> for Beginners .footer[3rd June</br>open Conference 2022] --- class: left, middle # Danilo Spinella ### _Software Engineer in Packaging_ ### **SUSE**  --- class: left, middle ## Prerequisites Compiling a simple C program Basic knowledge of Linux distributions --- class: left, middle ##  Contents Packaging basics Create our first package --- class: left, middle # Packaging basics --- class: left, middle A Linux system is made from **thousands of programs** running together --- class: left, middle How do we get a working Linux system  --- class: left, middle Get the software source code Compile and install it Repeat ??? Mention LFS --- class: left, middle A binary linux distribution provides the **compiled packages** --- class: left, middle A package manager allows the user to _install_/_upgrade_/_remove_ the package --- class: left, middle ## RPM Fedora  and openSUSE  package format --- class: left, middle ## OpenBuildService (OBS) Platform to develop openSUSE packages --- class: left, middle OBS web interface `osc`, OBS CLI --- class: left, middle #  Practical part --- class: left, middle ##  Info This is a workshop, so there will be the time to replicate all the things shown here If you have any question, just raise your hand If you have any technical problem, please wait for the slotted time --- class: left, middle This is an example slotted time .footer[.green[]] --- class: left, middle ## Setup (1/2) openSUSE distribution installed (preferred) or a system with docker A working internet connection An openSUSE account (click [here]( to create) --- class: left, middle ## Docker  `$ docker run -it opensuse/tumbleweed` --- class: left, middle ## Setup (2/2) ``` bash # zypper install osc ``` Add your user/password in `~/.config/osc/oscrc` --- class: left, middle This presentation is available here: .footer[.green[]] --- class: left, middle # Creating our first package --- class: left, middle ## `progress` Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd --- class: left, top Create the package on OBS Click on "Your Home Project", then "Create Package" -- Check it out locally ```bash $ osc co home:<username> progress $ cd home:<username>/progress ``` --- class: left, middle ## Spec file A file containing the metadata of a package and how to build it `progress.spec` --- Name of the package `Name: progress` -- Version that we are currently packaging `Version: 0.16` --- The release version, automatically set by OBS `Release: 0` -- A small (less than 80 characters) description of the package `Summary: Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd` --- class: left, middle License of the package, from [SPDX]( list `License: GPL-3.0-only` --- class: left, middle ## Macros Macros will be expanded at runtime by rpm `%{name}` -> **progress** `%{version}` -> **0.16** You can check them by using `$ rpm --eval "%make_build"` --- The homepage `URL:{name}` -- The sources and files needed to build and install `Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz` --- class: left, middle Makefile ```make ifeq ($(UNAME), Linux) ifeq (, $(shell which $(PKG_CONFIG) 2> /dev/null)) $(error "pkg-config command not found") endif ifeq (, $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) ncursesw --libs 2> /dev/null)) $(error "ncurses package not found") endif override LDFLAGS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) ncursesw --libs) endif``` --- Build dependencies `BuildRequires: pkgconfig` `BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ncurses)` -- Lenghty description of the package and what it does ``` %description a Tiny, Dirty C command that looks for coreutils basic commands (cp, mv, dd, tar, gzip/gunzip, cat, etc.) currently running on your system and displays the percentage of copied data. It can also show estimated time and throughput, and provides a "top-like" mode (monitoring). ``` --- Start the *preparation* part of the spec file, where sources will be unpacked and patches will be applied `%prep` -- Automatically unpack the sources and apply patches `%autosetup` --- class: left, middle Start the build phase `%build` Build by calling make `%make_build` --- class: left, middle Makefile ```makefile PREFIX ?= /usr/local BINDIR = $(PREFIX)/bin MANDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 ``` --- class: left, middle ```make install : $(OBJ) @echo "Installing program to $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) ..." @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) @install -pm0755 $(OBJ) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$(TARGET) || \ echo "Failed. Try "make PREFIX=~ install" ?" @echo "Installing manpage to $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) ..." @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR) @install -pm0644 $(OBJ).1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/ || \ echo "Failed. Try "make PREFIX=~ install" ?" ``` --- class: left, middle Start the install phase `%install` Install by using `make install` `%make_install` --- class: left, middle List all the files contained by the package `%files` `%{_bindir}/%{name}` `%{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1%{?ext_man}` --- class: left, middle Needed by RPM but not used by openSUSE `%changelog` --- class: left, middle Download the tarball `$ wget ''` --- class: left, middle ## Build the package --- class: left, middle [CLI version]( --- class: left, middle Web version Click on "Your Home Project", then "Repositories", "Add from a Distribution" Add *openSUSE Tumbleweed* --- class: left, middle `$ osc build` .footer[.green[]] --- class: left, middle ## Changes file Contains the history of the package --- `$ osc vc` Add the following line: `Initial packaging of version 0.16` -- `$ osc commit` .footer[.green[]] --- class: center, middle # Questions  --- class: center, middle #   ## This work is licensed under ## _Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</br> (CC BY-SA 4.0)_ --- template: start