tt: Development update #1
Mar 10, 2020
8 minute read

    Devember as long finished, but not all the projects started during the challenge did the same. This is the case for tt, the init/rc manager that strives to replace systemd.

    Notes: If you do not know what tt is, I really invite you to read the previous two posts(link1, link2) on the matter, as this one is a continuation. Nevertheless, it is not a requirement for reading this post.

    Starting point

    In my last update I have written about using libconfini to parse an environment file with a simple key/value format. This file is read at runtime by services and will be used for configuration.

    Example file:


    The above example follows the INI file specification and libconfini was suited as a parser.

    Service format

    I started developing the next part: the service file parser. To do so, the format needed to be defined first.

    What is tt under the hood? Put it simple, it is a wrapper around s6-rc: it takes one or more services files and convert into s6 service directories; tt service file should mostly follow s6 directory structure. obarun (66 creator) has defined such a format before me, so let’s have a look at it.

    mount-fstab file from 66-exherbo:

    @type = oneshot
    @name = mount-fstab
    @description = "Parse and mount all the devices listed in /etc/fstab"
    @user = ( root )
    @depends = ( fsck mount-rwfs )
    @build = auto
    @execute = (
        foreground { s6-echo -- "Starting oneshot: mount-fstab" }
        foreground { mount --all }
        s6-echo -- "Done oneshot: mount-fstab"

    The file is straigthforward to read if you are used to s6 service directory. There is a [main] section that defines basic service information and [start] section for this oneshot.

    I do not like the keys starting with the hat character (@) but overall it is a good start. tt service format has been defined here and it is somehow similar.

    mount-fstab written in tt format:

    name = mount-fstab
    polish_name = Mount partitions
    description = "Parse and mount all the devices listed in /etc/fstab"
    type = oneshot
    build = auto
    execute = (
        foreground { s6-echo -- “Starting oneshot: mount-fstab” }
        foreground { mount --all }
        s6-echo -- “Done oneshot: mount-fstab”
    depends = ( fsck mount-rwfs )

    Notes: A lot of changes and new keys are already been either introduced or proposed to enhance tt format. 66 format has just been the inspiration and the start but tt is not a mere copy.

    Discarding libconfini

    tt service respects the INI format except for the execute key, which contains a multiline string with no escape character. This is not supported by INI parser such as libconfini.

    libconfini only supports multiline strings when the newline is escaped. From its example:

    multi-line	=	this is\
    			a multi-line value!

    The most important parts of a service file are its scripts which could be one or more per file and each spans at least a few lines. Personally, I consider the requirement of an escape character at the end of every line too much tedious. After all I will mantain many services myself and I want it to be as easy as possible, withouth this big drawback. Imagine having the parser tell you “look, you forgot to add an escape line, now go back and search for it” now and then.

    This is the reason I had to discard libconfini as the parsing library.

    I considered other format like TOML, which supports the following:

    multi-line = """
        multiline value
        spanning two lines"""

    However, I wasn’t satisfied with its syntax. In the end I choosed to write a custom parser.

    Valid values

    Parsing code

    The file is divided in sections, and each service type has different sections. Each section contains key/value pairs (with or without the quoted value) and code.

    Some strictness is required when parsing code, otherwise we could interpret code as token of the service format. Consider the following code:

    execute=( x=$(cat /etc/fstab)
       echo $x

    The parser could misleadingly treat the last parenthesis as the closing token of the execute key, and the next line would be considered invalid. If the parser counts opened parenthesis, then this will somehow work. However, only unquoted parenthesis should be counted, and the quoted ones should not be considered. This exponentially increase the parser complexity and opens up to tons of bugs and not-trivial edge cases.

    If we only consider the following two examples everything become easy and reliable to parse:

    execute = "/usr/bin/foo -d"
    execute = (
        x=$(cat /etc/fstab)
        echo $x

    The first one will be parsed as a one-line key/value pair; the latter will be treated as a multiline code, with no possible case of the code itself being treated as a token.

    Multiple values

    By writing a custom parser, tt format has also gained the possibility to give keys with multiple values their own rules. Let’s take for example dependencies declaring:

    depends = ( foo bar )
    depends = (
        foo bar )
    depends = ( foo

    Each of the previous examples is valid in tt. This increases the different type of keys to three: key/value pairs, code values and multiple values spanning in multiple lines.

    Code parser and multiple values’ parser are ambigous, so the section can allow only one of these two types. This is intended as it’s easier to remember the similar sintax instead of using different tokens. There is possibility of this syntax changing in the future if a section must have all three different kinds.

    Engineering the parser

    The UML diagram above shows the class design that parse a single service file. Implementation details have been left out for the scope of this post; Implementation details such as the class SystemServicesParser which gets a file location from a service name and the entire libtt.parser.line/libtt.parser.word modules that are used to parse the various bits of each line.

    The ServiceParser load the lines of the file in memory and parses its first section (which must be a [main] section) and gets its type. Then the ParserFactory returns a ServiceDirector class based on the type parsed.

    The ServiceDirector derived classes map each section to the respective SectionBuilder. When a new section is found, its builder is instantiated, along with an empty data class or a pointer to it. For example a Script pointer is passed to ScriptBuilder; the latter receive its lines from the Director and then proceed to parse them. When it has finished, a properly configured and instatiated Script is assigned to the pointer.

    At the end of the parsing, the ServiceDirector devired classes instantiate their service using the data that builders have filled.

    Validation checks are performed in the data itself, except for volatile data; in other words data that is parsed from the service file but do not translate 1:1 into the various tt data classes. To elaborate with an example: the logger script can be manually defined to specify a custom location, but this data isn’t then saved into the LoggerScript class. It is instead used to generate the execute script and then it is discarded. This is one of the few cases where the validation check is performed into the builder itself.

    This is my first attempt at writing a custom parser, and I am satisfied with the current result. This design I have choosen makes it easy to re use components (EnvironmentBuilder will be used to parse environment files) and it is easy to test.

    Parser CLI

    The parser is functional and parse complete services. It has a 75% unittest coverage so many bugs have been already been spotted and many else will be caught in a short time.

    For testing purpose I have added the possibility to try the parser using tt CLI. Let’s first build tt. A working installation of ldc2 (LLVM D compiler) and mesonbuild are required; they can be installed using the package manager of your distribution.

    $ git clone
    $ meson build && cd build && ninja
    $ ./src/tt/tt parse -f ../examples/mount-fstab


    Working systems tend to have more than 50 services available. It is therefore critical that the parsing takes as few CPU cycles as possible.

    Estimating the time needed using the POSIX utility time shows us the following:

    $ time ./src/tt/tt parse -q -f ../examples/mount-fstab
    real	0m0.020s
    user	0m0.017s
    sys	0m0.003s

    Considering all the overhead of instantiating a lot of classes, this is quite good. Using different threads with each parsing a different service, it will avoid an exponentially time increase when many services need to be parsed.

    Binary Size

    tt strive to be minimal, so its library and executable should be really small. At the time of writing the stripped library weighs 1.4M and the stripped executable 292k; I am satisfied with these values, because, even if D is a compiled language, it still is a high level one.


    Thanks for reading this post and for following tt development. Top priority for tt is not to be running in the least time, but to be solid and well-tested, avoiding the rush and the technical debt that follows.

    Special thanks to @Cogitri for all its contributions to the CLI and improving libtt code quality, as well for all his insights on the format and issues. Thanks also for the new contributor @pac85 which has worked on tt service serialation module (more on this in the next updates!).

    tt development also happens in the #tt freenode channel. Feel free to join!
