Getting started with execline scripting
Sep 4, 2018
15 minute read


    In this post, the execline scripting language will be outlined: we will learn anything you need to get started.

    Prerequisites: basic understanding of shell scripting, and environment; access to unix shell and execline installed.

    Note: all the scripts have been tested with execline version


    execline is scripting language written with security and simplicity in mind. Its goal is to provide a predictable syntax while remaining portable and easy on resources.

    Why not just use /bin/sh?1

    Let’s have a look at it.

    importas home HOME cd $home ls

    A single chain load as an entire script; it seems really weird, doesn’t it?

    execline relies completely on chain loading: it simply executes the first word and uses the remaining ones as argv. This makes execline perfect for critical scripts like init and rc scripts. It is primary used as scripting language by the s62 supervision suite and the s6-rc3 service manager.

    Words and whitespaces

    An execline script is a string, parsed as words with whitespaces in between.
    And execline parser consider spaces, tabs, newlines and carriage returns as whitespace.

    Understanding that, we can rewrite the previous script in a more friendly way, by adding newlines here and there:

    importas home HOME
    cd $home

    In each line we find a program and its respective arguments. ls is an external program while cd and importas are two builtins. The difference will be discussed in details later.

    cd dir prog...

    cd changes the current working directory to dir and then executes prog...

    importas variable envvar prog...

    importas fetches the value of envvar in the environment and import it in the literal variable. It then executes prog...

    So what the script does is, in order:

    • get HOME value from the environment and assign its value to home literal
    • change the directory to the home value
    • call ls

    Note: execline doesn’t expand ~ to the home directory, so cd ~ won’t work.

    execline builtins take an arbitrary number of arguments and then execute the next program. The words left are the arguments of this new program executed. Therefore we can generalize the syntax as:

    builtin args prog...

    where args can be any number of arguments.


    We have our script ready to be executed. But how do we execute it?

    There are two ways:

    • calling execline directly
    • using a shebang

    Create a new file named ls_home and the following code in it:

    importas home HOME cd $home ls

    Now execute the following command in a *nix shell:

    execlineb ls_home

    Yay! We have executed the script by calling execlineb directly. Though this could be a little cumbersome, expecially when we need to add arguments to the execlineb call. Indeed, shebangs are often chosen for simplicity.

    Using your editor of choice, open ls_home and add the following as first line:


    Now that we’ve added the shebang, we have to make the file executable; get back to the shell and execute:

    chmod +x ls_home

    Now execute it:


    This shebang will be used from now and omitted for shortness, unless noted.

    Builtin and external commands

    When we call a command in the shell, it usually searches in $PATH for a matching one, executing the first that it finds.

    But for some command, usually the most used, the shell usually provide its own replacement; for example bash provides type, cd and test (and many others). These commands are called shell builtins. It means that if we call test, bash test implementation will be executed instead of /usr/bin/test. type cannot be called outside of bash because is a builtin and it doesn’t have a respective /usr/bin/type.

    Note: in bash, you can know if a command is a builtin or not by using type followed by the command.

    So for the bash shell, we can say that everything we call is either a builtin or a program in $PATH. The latter are called external commands.

    execlineb does not provide any builtin; instead, it provides its utilities (such as importas and cd) in $PATH. We will call everything that is provided by execline as builtin, and everything else an external command.


    execlineb treats the arguments as one big argv, but there are some cases where we need to extract two command lines from it. Blocks have this purpose.

    From the documentation4:

    execline commands that need more than one linear set of arguments use blocks.

    In execlineb scripts, blocks are delimited by braces. They can be nested.


    As you could guess, there is no redirection operator; instead execline provides fdmove5 to move file descriptors6 and redirfd7 to redirect a file descriptor to a file.

    Integer valueName<stdio.h> file stream
    0Standard inputstdin
    1Standard outputstdout
    2Standard errorstderr

    fdmove fdto fdfrom prog...

    fdmove moves the file descriptor number fdfrom, to number fdto, then execs into prog with its arguments. -c : duplicate fdfrom to fdto instead of moving it; do not close fdfrom.

    We don’t usually need to close the file descriptor, so the -c flag is needed.

    To redirect stderr to stdout add the following before prog...:

    fdmove -c 2 1

    To redirect stdout to stderr invert the file descriptors above:

    fdmove -c 1 2

    redirfd redirects the file descriptor number fd to file, then execs into prog....

    -r : open file for reading.
    -w : open file for writing, truncating it if it already exists.
    -a : open file for appending, creating it if it doesn’t exist.
    Shell equivalent
    redirfd -r n file prog... is equivalent to prog... n< file
    redirfd -w n file prog... is equivalent to prog... n> file
    redirfd -a n file prog... is equivalent to prog... n>> file

    To append the current date in a file in shell syntax, we would have done:

    date >> date_saved

    The equivalent in execlineb scripting is:

    redirfd -a 1 date_saved

    redirfd can also be used to redirect a file descriptor to /dev/null, discarding unwanted output:

    redirfd -w 1 /dev/null prog...


    Another feature used heavily by shell scripting languages are pipes8. This is an example of pipes in execline:

    pipeline { ls }
    wc -l

    pipeline is builtin that take two linear argument, therefore blocks are used. It executes the chain load inside the block and save its output. Then the second command line argument, that is wc -l here, is executed and the saved output is used as input.

    This script display how many folders and files there are in the current directory. The equivalent in bash would be:

    ls | wc -l

    We can also use the -w flag to reverse the verse of the pipe. This is the pipe above looks like if we use -w flag:

    pipeline -w { wc -l }

    Consider now three pipes one after another:

    # Returns all included headers in the current directory
    pipeline { grep -R "#include <.*>" }
    # sort the output of grep, uniq needs its input sorted
    pipeline { sort }
    # Remove all the results that appear twice
    pipeline { uniq }
    wc -l

    This script, which we will call uniq_results, displays how many unique C/C++ headers are used in the current directory.

    Script arguments

    The string passed to grep is hardcoded, it means that the script usefulness is limited. To improve uniq_results we will read and use arguments passed to it.

    #!/bin/execlineb -S1
    # Gives us all the results in the current directory
    pipeline { grep -R $1 }
    # sort the output of grep, uniq needs its input sorted
    pipeline { sort }
    # Remove all the results that appear twice
    pipeline { uniq }
    wc -l

    $1 has taken the place of the hardcoded string: grep will search for whatever string we use as the script first argument. As in bash, positional arguments are called by using $ followed by the number of the positional argument wanted.

    The last difference between this script and the previous one is in the shebang, where the flag -S nmin has been added. The latter tells execlineb the minimum positional parameters that the script needs to run.

    Another useful flag is -s nmin. It works like -S, being $@ value the only difference:

    • with -S, it contains all arguments
    • with -s, it contains all arguments minus the first nmin

    There are other powerful and flexible ways to handle positional parameters; execline documentation explains them9 in details. Have also a look at shift10 and dollarat11 programs.

    Multiple execution

    We often need to execute external programs in a row, but execline doesn’t allow the use of newlines, that are considered whitespace, nor semicolons. It instead provides two different commands: foreground12 and background13.

    foreground { prog1... } prog2...

    foreground reads prog1 in a block. It executes it, waits for it to complete and then executes progs2

    background { prog1... } prog2...

    background reads a prog1... command in a block, spawns a child executing prog1... and then execs into prog2...

    Relating back to the sh syntax:

    • foreground { a } b is the equivalent to a ; b

    • background { a } b is the equivalent of a & v

    foreground { sleep 10 }
    echo "I waited 10 seconds."

    This is an example where the script wait ten seconds and echo the message we choosed. foreground can also be used several times in a row.

    Variable management

    execline maintains no state, and thus has no real variables

    While somewhat of a misnomer, execline emulates variable management in other scripting languages via its substitution mechanism, which we will use in the next examples.

    define variable value prog...

    define replaces the literal variable with value, then executes prog...

    define remind us of an assignment operator, which is what it exactly does.

    define home /home/foo
    mkdir ${home}/scripts

    Variable Substitution

    When a literal is followed by other strings, it needs to be wrapped inside curly braces; otherwise the execline parser won’t apply substitution.

    The substitution will be applied here:

    define FOO blah
    echo $FOO

    but won’t be applied here:

    define FOO blah
    echo $FOO-$FOO

    because the first literal must be wrapped inside the braces:

    define FOO blah
    echo ${FOO}-$FOO

    Note: in $FOO$FOO both variables will be substituted.


    the following is the most complex part of the whole language

    Note: Feel free to skip this paragraph if you don’t intend to use the quoting mechanism.

    There are two possible cases: the variable is either substituted or not substituted. Both will be highlighted here, in order.

    if ${FOO} is preceded by 2*n backslashes (an even number), the whole sequence will be replaced with n backslashes, followed by the substituted value.

    As an example, consider the following script:

    define FOO blah
    echo \\${FOO}

    If ${FOO} is preceded by 2*n+1 backslashes (an odd number), the whole sequence will be replaced with n backslashes, followed by the literal ${FOO}.

    Consider again the script above, this time with an odd number of backlashes:

    define FOO blah
    echo \${FOO}

    ${FOO} will not be substituted and its output will be ${FOO} literal. If we used three backlash (2*n + 1 with n=1), the output would be \${FOO}, that is n backslashes and the literal.

    ${FOO} will be substituted with its value, and the 2*n (where n=1 in the example) backlashes will be substituted with n backlashes.

    Environmental variables

    Since execline takes heavy advantage of chainloading, we can use the environment as a true variable store, as we have already seen with importas.

    Note: environment variables are real variables, they are just external to the substitution mechanism until brought in via importas (or an execline utility that does automatic substitution).

    We used define to emulate the assignment operator, assigning a value to a literal; thus this value cannot be calculated at runtime. If we need to assign the output of a command to a variable, we should use the environment instead.

    backtick14 is the builtin used to set an envorimental variable from another command output:

    backtick variable { prog1... } prog2...

    backtick reads prog1..., spawns a child executing it and saves its output, then it assigns this output to variable in the environment.

    Suppose we have to create a file named as the current date, and this file should be store inside the .cache folder of the user calling the script:

    # Get the date and store it inside DATE variable
    backtick DATE { date +%d%m%y }
    # Import DATE var from environment into date literal
    importas date DATE
    # Do the same for HOME
    importas home HOME
    # Create the file
    touch ${home}/.cache/used-$date

    Conditional execution

    Another thing that we often do is a testing a condition and doing different things depending on its result (or exit code in shell scripting). In another words we execute something in case the condition was false, something else if it was true.

    exeline provides four different builtins: if15, ifelse16, ifte17 and ifthenelse18. In this tutorial we will only see the first two.

    if { prog1... } prog2..

    if reads prog1… in a block. It executes it, wait for it to complete and then:

    • If prog1 exits a non-zero status, if exits 1.
    • Else if execs into prog2.

    This is a simple builtin, it just execute a program, that could also be a chain loads of programs, and then continue with the script execution only if the exit status is zero.

    Note: to test that a file exists the POSIX utility test19 will be used in the following examples.

    importas home HOME
    if -n { test -d ${home}/.cache/used }
    mkdir ${home}/.cache/used

    This is a simple script that check if the directory ~/.cache/used exists, if it doesn’t there is an attempt to create it. We would also need sometimes to check if mkdir successfully exit and it can do done by wrapping the last line with another if.

    We negate the result of the if block, hence the -n flag:

    -n : negate the test (exit on true, exec into prog2 on false)

    By wrapping the if with a foreground call, we can execute the rest of the script, regardless of the result of the first block executed by theif:

    importas home HOME
    foreground {
        if -n { test -d ${home}/.cache/used }
        mkdir ${home}/.cache/used
    # This line will be executed regardless of the exit status in the if above
    echo The script finished the execution

    Let’s improve the scripts above: we create the directory ~/.cache/used if it does not exist, and then we create a file with the current date in this directory. The script exit with code 1 if a file with the same date has already been created. We will use ifelse20:

    ifelse { prog1... } { prog2... } prog3...

    • ifelse reads prog1…, it forks and executes it, then waits for it to complete.
    • If prog1 exits with a return code equal to 0, ifelse execs into prog2.
    • Else ifelse execs into prog3.
    importas home HOME
        if -n { test -d ${home}/.cache/used }
        mkdir ${home}/.cache/used
    backtick DATE { date +%d%m%y }
    importas date DATE
    ifelse -n
    # Run this block and check its exit code
        test -d ${home}/.cache/used/$date
    # If the previous block exit with non zero code then 
    # this block is executed (because of the -n flag in ifelse)
        touch ${home}/.cache/used/$date
    # Else the script continues here
    exit 1


    loopwhilex21 is the execline equivalent of while:

    loopwhilex prog...

    • loopwhilex runs prog... as a child process and waits for it to complete.
    • As long as prog exits zero, loopwhile runs it again.
    • loopwhilex then exits with the last prog invocation’s exit code.

    Since this is pretty straightforward, we will skip an example and we will instead focus on forstdin22 and forbacktickx23, which are the execline equivalent of for construction.

    forstdin variable loop...

    • forstdin reads its standard input, splitting it automatically.
    • For every argument x in the split output, forstdin runs loop... as a child process, with variable=x added to its environment.

    We have to remember that, even if the variable is added to the environment, we still need to import it in a literal, using importas24, this time adding -u flag:

    -u : Unexport. envvar will be removed from the environment after the substitution.

    Note: forstdin reads from the standard input, so pipeline is needed here.

    # Print all the files and directory, and use them as
    # input for the next program
    pipeline { ls }
    # For every files and directory printed,
    # execute the following block, after replacing FOLDER
    # with the name of file/directory
    forstdin FOLDER
    # Import the environmental variable into the literal folder
    importas -u folder FOLDER
    # Check if it is a folder, so we skip files
    if { test -d $folder }
    # Create the empty file
    touch ${folder}/active

    This script create an empty file named active for each folder in the current directory.

    Using forbacktickx instead, the script above could have been written like this:

    forbacktickx FOLDER
    # Import the environmental variable into the literal folder
    importas -u folder FOLDER
    # Check if it is a folder, so we skip files
    if { test -d $folder }
    # Create the empty file
    touch ${folder}/active

    Ambivalent block syntax

    There are two ways to describe a block; the first is curly braces, and this is the one that we’ve used in this tutorial.

    The second is to delimit only the end of a block with "".

    pipeline { ls } wc -l

    is equivalent to

    pipeline ls "" wc -l


    Thank you for reading this getting started tutorial for this interesting scripting language.

    The great and complete documentation25 references other programs provided and a deep explanation of the design and the grammar26.

    You can find some execline scripts in the s6-rc example services27 and in the s6-rc services28 used in Exherbo.

    EDIT: Thanks to Cogitri29 and Heliocat30 for their suggestions on improving this guide.

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